Winter days in the 1940s

In 1940s down town Main Street.

snow and ice storm in the 1940s

Pleasant Street after snow and ice storm in the 1940s
Bigby Greys Unit Flag handmade by the Ladies of Mt. Pleasant, TN located in the Civil War Room on 2nd floor of Museum.
As the story goes, The Bigby Greys unit of 115 men from Mt. Pleasant was presented this flag by the ladies of Mt. Pleasant, TN. They had planned to march under the flag in battle. However, their first assignment was Fort Donelson along the Cumberland River. The Bigby Greys Unit were ordered to march under the flag of Fort Donelson. The Bigby Greys camp was south of Mt. Pleasant with a Union camp just North of the city. Because of northern sympathizers in town, the flag was secretly delivered to Mrs. Frierson of Manor Hall Plantation. Mrs. Frierson hid the flag under a large stack of firewood; not long after a servant found the flag. Then by word of mouth through servants, a northern sympathizer heard about the hidden Confederate flag at Manor Hall. As the story goes, Mrs. Frierson was woken up by a servant screaming "Union Soldiers were searching the grounds of Manor Hall”. There was nothing. Mrs. Frierson could do but watch as a union solider uncovered the flag. Depending on who you ask, many Bigby Greys descendants and historians will say the flag was stolen. Whatever the term used it fell into the hands of the North. It was said that many of the confederate unit flags were confiscated and burned by drunken Union Soldiers. Somehow that was not the case of our Bigby Greys Flag. Somehow by the Grace of God, it survived and was found in an attic of a Kentucky resident. How, Why, and Who were they related too, a Union solider or just purchased at auction who knows. What we do know is it survived and back home where it belongs. If you would like to know more about our flag and the Bigby Greys check out these links.
Fort Donelson National Battlefield (U.S. National Park Service) (
The Bigby Greys Historical Marker (
Historic Mt. Pleasant home damaged in storm (
1940’s photo of Manor Hall in Mt. Pleasant, TN.
Historic Mt. Pleasant home damaged in storm (